Ahad, 26 September 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Real

Task Hari ke-3
1. Write a blog post with the title, “DiGi iPhone 4 Real”.
2. In your post, tell us what you love about the DiGi iPhone 4 Plans. You can refer to this link for more information.

Tengok tengok..
Ape yg Mumun suke pasal Digi iPhone 4 Plans nie..

First, Dapat more Savings of kos sebab pakej nie RM58 je sebulan compared harga biasa RM88.
Second,  Akan dapat lebih banyak FREE.. hehe Panggilan,SmS, MmS to Local network la der..
Third, dapat unlimited Free Internet with no extra charges.. huhu.. best!!
Fourth, dapat flexibility with 0% installment up to 36 month..

Oh Digi.. nak sebijik la.. Haha
Dah. FIN.


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